I think the obvious theme of my piece is balance, or a desire to have two apposing or contrasting things meet and support each other. One of the defining elements of my piece is the general pyramid shape, just as two apposing walls leaning against each other and give each other support and strength so should technology and nature combine to do the same. The angles formed by my body and the angles that the mountain face and the computer chip makes produces this idea of stability. The whole image from body form to backgrounds produces the feeling of balance between two different worlds, on one side is electricity on the other tranquility, nature vs technology, yet there is a knife edge balance and at any moment this balance could collapse and that is why my eyes are open. I am searching to make sure that I keep things the way they need to be, and off in the distance I chose to put a background of what appears to be a storm. This was to suggest to the mind that the nature part of the balance is about to be encompass in a raging storm and chaos may ensue. The name of the piece comes from my feeling that eventually we all must come to a realization of where we stand on the divide between nature and the ever advancing wave of “stuff” the future is bringing. As the words on my shirt say “seen the future” each viewer much decide if what is portrayed as the future on the viewers right is good or bad and then decided what they are going to do about that.